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Girls Lacrosse Spring 2025 Registration - Middle and High School Teams

Registration for girls grades 7-12 is open for the spring 2025 season!  Practices are at Eagle Rock Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings with optional Saturday practices. Girls high school team, register here.  Girls 7-8 team, register here


Boys Lacrosse Spring 2025 Registration - Middle and High School Teams

Registration for boys grades 7-12 is open for the spring 2025 season!  Practices for the HIGH SCHOOL team are at Eagle Rock in the evenings, and practices for the MIDDLE SCHOOL team are at Taylorview fields in the evenings with the youth teams.  Boys high school team, register here.  Boys 7-8 team, register here

Youth Co-ed Lacrosse Spring 2025 Registration - Grades 2-6

Registration for co-ed 2/3/4 and 5/6 teams are open for the spring 2025 season!  Practices are at Taylorview fields in the evenings. Youth co-ed 2/3/4 team, register here.  Youth co--ed 5/6 team, register here

2025 PLAYERS- Sign up or renew your USA Lacrosse membership!

 USA Lacrosse logo- lacrosse head on a shield resembling American flag

If you are planning on playing lacrosse in 2025, you must be a member of USA Lacrosse, our governing body and insurer.  You cannot register for our teams without your USA Lacrosse membership number. It costs $35 per year, and comes with some perks like a monthly magazine, gear discounts, training resources, and a lot of info about the sport of lacrosse.

You can sign up or renew your USA Lacrosse membership HERE

Registrations for girls middle and high school teams are live NOW, and youth co-ed teams and boys middle and high school team registrations are coming soon!

New to Lacrosse?

Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in the US.  Often called the "fastest sport on two feet," lacrosse is an exciting game to play (and watch!).    Although kids often pick up the rules and skills quickly, parents are often unfamiliar with the sport.  Click here to learn about boys and co-ed lacrosse (girls and boys in elementary school play on the same teams) and click here to learn about girls lacrosse (played from 7th - 12th grade).

New Players get a discount on Idaho Falls Lacrosse registration

Yes you read that correctly- we want new players to get into the game and see how great lacrosse is to play and watch!

If you are registering a first time player, check the new player box on your registration to receive the $50 new player discount!

Gear rental program for first year youth players

So your child wants to try lacrosse, but you aren't sure of committing the money to purchase gear? We can help with that! First year youth players can rent gear (shoulder and elbow pads, gloves, and a stick) for $50 for the season. Helmets and uniforms are included with the registration fee, so all your child needs are cleats to come play lacrosse with us their first year.

Check the box on your registration and we will reach out to get you ready to play.

Thanks to Our Sponsors!

This organization is funded by player registration fees and fundraising.  Special thanks to these donors:

EIRMC  Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center
Mooso Orthodontics

Tree Top 

Tree Top
Yellowstone Plastics

Yellowstone Plastics and Volm Logos


Interested in becoming a sponsor of  Idaho Falls Lacrosse?

Please contact:

Team Fundraising

THANK YOU to all the friends and family who have supported their lacrosse players and the league! 

Each year, funds raised by the lacrosse players are used for making larger purchases for the league, like new helmets, new uniforms, new goals, and rental equipment for new players. 

We periodically have opportunities to raise funds by doing volunteer work at community events. Watch the Facebook page or your team texts for opportunities to help Idaho Falls Lacrosse raise funds for our teams! 


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